
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let It snow let it snow let is snow!

Some of the area I cover is very very rural. Thank god for an excellent car in the snow. It's snowed like MAD! Here the past few weeks MAD!!!!

So much snow! I took some fantastic photos on my way to some of my clients! :D! Will try and post them later!!


Oh! As an added bonus! My date for tonight park his car in a space that was LITERALLY!! Four inches bigger than his car... The impressive thing? He got it in and out with out bumping into the other cars. I told him he was crazy! His response "It's A honda it fits anywhere!!"




  1. Here we're up to almost 3 meters of Snow!! OI!! Cars stuck the works!!! A bit crazy!

    Thanks for the Follow :D!

    C. RN

  2. wow. And we don't even have ONE flake! Can you please spare a couple inches for us over here!?

  3. Want the two feet we're supposed to get in the next two days? All for free :D!

    C. RN

  4. Holy smokes, you have no idea what I wouldn't give for a few inches of the good white stuff...

  5. Ha, I used to love my little guy in being able to park anywhere.

    Thanks for the kind comment over at my blog, and I hope you have a good weekend.
